Why Is It So Hard To Make a Long Post/Article?! (E) ~ Dee Nutrition

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Why Is It So Hard To Make a Long Post/Article?! (E)

“ There are so many things that makes me so hard to write a long article”

            I always like writing, I’m more into writing than speaking, because I’m so easy to get nervous and a bit shy when I’m trying to speak in front of someone. I have a problem with expressing my emotion or myself, so I always carry and write something in my journal. You can say that writing is part of my life. Then I know about Internet and Blogger, I know blogger since I was in senior high school, and at that time I decided to become a blogger and begin to write. From that time until a few months back, It’s been on and off.

But now I’m trying to get more serious into it because I have a project that I must have my own personal and branding blog when I become an adult. I actually make Dee Nutritions Blog in 2014, but it’s been on and off since then but this year I’m trying to write on the blog again.  It’s been four months since I actively begin again to writing on my blogs, and I’m trying to get more serious. Improving my blog to become better, and more user-friendly, also trying to increase visitors to my blog.

“I become a blogger since 2014, but it’s been on and off, but I’m starting again this year”

There are many strategies and something that we must do when we try to increase visitor on our blog. I read so many another successful blog about how to increase visitor to our blog. One of the advice that I get to increase the visitor on my blog is to make a long post consistently, they said it attracts more and become more engaging. The advice said that sometimes we must make a long article that is more than 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 words per article, truthfully and honestly it’s really hard to make a long post articles, It means that we have to make an article that more than 3 – 6 pages per article, That’s really a lot for me.
My regular articles consist of 300 – 600 words per articles, the longest article that I make is only 800 words.

1.      My Habit When Making An Article

I always make a short article in my blog, because I don’t want to drag people to read so many words into my post. So since from the very beginning when I start this blog, I always make a ‘short’ articles with 300 words minimum and 600 words maximum, It’s always the set or kinda like rules that I do everytime I make an article.   It’s also become my habit, I do tend to become a blogger that always write a short article that no more than 600 words per article regularly.
I can’t write an article that more than 600 words, it becomes exhausting too when I make an article that more than 600. I remember that when I’m trying to make 1000 words article, it’s exhausting and I’m running out an idea. I know it’s wrong, and I have to change and learn to make and write a longer posting article. So I’m starting to train myself to write a longer article. I have to strategize myself so I can write an article that more than 1000 words. It’s been one month since I’m starting to write a long post, and it’s still hard but I begin to feel the improvement from myself.

2.      Focus is The Problem

Being focus is one of the hardest things to do for me, I have an ADHD and it’s really hard to try to focus on something for a long time. Writing a long article means a long time that I need to finish it and I must focus longer than before, and it’s so hard. I do really easy to get distracted when I’m trying to focus to finish my article. It becomes so hard when I’m exercising to write long articles.

3.      The Lack of English Vocabulary

This one is also my problem, the English language is not my mother language, my mother language is Indonesia. So, Of course, I still have a limited English vocabulary. Sometimes it’s hard for me when I’m trying to write long articles, and suddenly I stuck because I don’t know what’s the word that I can use on my article. Still though, I do really want to improve my English and become better and better, also It’s one of the reasons why I’m writing and become blogger too. So I hope I can increase my English vocabulary.
A long time ago, I also like to play a Scrabble and become a Scrabble player when I was on Senior Highschool and I think that playing scrabble is one of the things that can increase my vocabulary on English. The other thing that I do is by using an English subtitle when I watch TV or Film and reading an English novel and magazine in return to increase my vocabulary in English. And so far, it works

4.      The Grammar Problems

I also still find it hard when I blind in grammar, It’s the basic things to learn English but I get easily forget the Grammar structure. I do tend to forget the basic grammar like tense, and other things, because of that I must learn again to improve my English grammar and become better. 

5.      Laziness is the Problem

In the post before, It’s so hard for me not to become lazy and not to procrastinate. Especially when I always stuck on something, the urge of being lazy and procrastinate have become higher, and sometimes if I can’t hold it anymore, I will become a really lazy person. There’s a reason why I make a short post, it’s because when I’m writing a short post, I can make so many articles with a different theme or topic. I have bronchitis and it’s affecting my daily life because I can get easily tired all the time, so when I do something and It’s stuck so many times, I can get easily lazy and procrastinate myself from finishing it.
I do have to strategize myself and keep away from so many stuck, so I will not become lazy and procrastinate. I also have to keep away things that can make me procrastinating myself.

6.      So many Distractions

Well, when you’re a computer geek and you are in front of your computer, You can easily get a distraction. Computers is the world of me, so there are just so many stuff that can make me distract myself and become lazy. In this section, I still don’t have any good strategy to decrease myself from it. I mean when I’m trying to write on my computer, my brain always tease me to do other things, like watching tv or watching film, or reading comics online, or watching video, or reading magazine, that’s a lot of distraction that I can get when I’m writing, and if I get stuck so many times I will gonna choose to do one of that until I forget about the time and I can’t finish my article for my blog

            So finally you already at the end of my article, if you read this article fully, you already know that this article has so many words, yeah I’m trying to exercise myself to write some article that more than 1000 words and this articles is included in the exercise. This is the first post that  longer than 1500 words that I make that is really hard for me to make this article, there are still so many distractions that I got when I’m trying to make this article and I still need to exercise myself more and more, I also feel that this article is still dragging people, and for that I’m sorry.

I will keep improving myself and become better and better, I will going to read so many long posting from a successful blogger or site that makes a long post article. I’m also will going to try to make 2000 words and 2500 words of articles once in a month.

“ It’s still so hard for me to make a long article, But I’ll keep trying until I can do that”

What do you think about the twist? Do you find it’s funny ? or maybe I still need to keep exercising myself because this article is lacking something? Well, of course, there are still so many lacks in my post. What about my vocabulary or my grammar? I know that it’s still not good, but I promise to keep learning and Improving myself to become better and better. You can give a comment into the box below. Don’t forget to subscribe and like our fans page. Your advice or critique is also good for us. Thank you very much and see you next time.

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Dee Nutrition's Blog



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