Dee Nutrition’s Blog Finally Got Approved by Google AdSense ~ Dee Nutrition

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Dee Nutrition’s Blog Finally Got Approved by Google AdSense

FINALLY, FOLKS, IT HAPPENED… I am so thrilled about this… Finally, after everything that I have been through, Google AdSense approved my application to become Publisher of Google AdSense. It is official, I am partnering with Google AdSense now, and I can monetize my blog at last. It’s one of the target that I want since last year and now I can start my career as Blogger. It’s not an easy journey, it’s not an easy task to get approved by Google AdSense. Nowadays, it is really so hard to get approved by Google AdSense, the Standard of Google AdSense for the website or blog that want to be monetized is getting more complex and harder to get. Of course, for me to get approved by Google AdSense, is one of the best thing that happened in my life.

ONE GOAL HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED… Finally, I accomplished another thing that I want in 2018 though honestly, I want this thing to happen in 2017, but nah, it was worth the wait. I have to wait for almost 6 (six) month for Google AdSense. Six months of waiting anxiously, stressfully, patiently, just for Google AdSense. Now I can monetize my blog with AdSense, the most powerful and popular Ads Network provided by Google. It is a dream comes true. Now I believe that Hard work will never betray us. In the end, if we keep continue and keep our spirit high, trust me, you will get what you want. So, don’t give up on something that you want, OKAY?

What Is Google AdSense?
Do you know about Google AdSense? If you’re a Blogger, then you must be already known. (I have a faith in you that you know about Google AdSense). Basically, Google AdSense is the most powerful Ads Network. AdSense is provided by Google to ‘monetize’ website, so the blogger or the owner of the website can get paid from his blog.

10x APPLIED FOR GOOGLE ADSENSE, 9X REJECTED… These past six months is one of the hardest time for me, I have applied 10x times for Google AdSense and got 9x times rejection. It was so frustrating, I almost lost my hope to get approved by Google AdSense when I got the 8th rejection. I ‘postponed’ myself for 2 weeks before I continue to tweak my blog again. Rejection is always hurt everyone (including me of course) deeply, and I hate being rejected (you must be understood my feeling, right?). So, every time I got rejection from Google AdSense, it was like my spirit to get approve by AdSense was getting bigger. I kept continue to tweak my blog, edit its template, change its template code, post an article regularly until I got approved by Google AdSense.

IT’S NOT THE END, IT IS JUST THE BEGINNING… I know that I still have so many things to do, to learn, and to keep going so I will become a successful Blogger in the future. I will never stop until I can be a great Blogger. I will continue to write and improve the quality of every article that I made by myself. There will be many obstacles ahead, but I know if I keep going through, then I will be success…

So That’s it for right now, I hope that I can keep posting the story about how I can be approved by Google AdSense in the Future. Stay tune to my blog, Dee Nutrition’s Blog, share this article if you found it interesting.

You have any question? Feel free to ask in the comment below… Thank you and see you next time.
Location Indonesia


  1. Congratulations on your success!Hope you find greater successes in the future!

    1. Thank you very much, yeah i know that It's not the end... I still have to improve my blog and article's quality and also the visitors. I hope I can do that so I can increase my Adsense earning. How about you? do you also monetize your blog with Adsense? :)

  2. Congrats on your success! This is a very informative article, thanks.

    1. Thank you. It's nice to hear that my article is useful, you're welcome. Are you also a blogger too? Feel free to ask if you want to know about Adsense approval... I will try to help... :)

  3. Congratulations. That's really awesome. Google Adsense is pretty dope

    1. Thanks... Yeah, It's one of my targets that I want to achieve, and now, I finally achieved it in 2018. Yeah, There is no objection that Google Adsense is the best ads network in the world...I have been waiting for six months just to get approval from Google Adsense. I will continue to improve my blog so I can increase my earnings in the future.

    2. Because getting approval from Adsense is becoming harder and harder these days, of course It is become a tough challenge for us,blogger(also for me), to achieve it. Finally got the approval from Google Adsense is a proof for me that hard work will never betray us. In the end we will get everything that we want if we do not give up and keep going.

  4. This is an awesome post. It is getting more difficult to get approved for Adsense. Hard work is the basis to all positive things! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you very much... Yeah, it's getting harder and harder, but I know hard work will always pay off right? I hope I can keep improving my blog to become better and better

  5. Congrats on getting approved from Adsense. Your hard work is paying off.

    1. Thanks... Yeah, Waiting for almost six months, now I'm finally got the approval... It really makes me happy... :)

  6. Getting a blog going and learning about how to do it best can be fun but also a challenge. Seeing the hard work pay off feels so good -- congratulations!

    1. Yeah, seeing the hard work always pay off is so good... Actually, after 8th rejection, I gave up a little while,I stayed away from tweaking my blog for almost one week... After one week, I'm trying to apply again to Google Adsense, got another rejection but with only one problem that I should fix. Finally, my 10th try, I got approveb by Adsense... It is one of the happiest thin manay

  7. Make that money! COngrats for finally getting accepted!

    1. Thanks... Yeah, I will try to increase my visitors so I can increase my income in the future...

  8. This is such an amazing accomplishment. I know that it seemed like I had to wait forever when I tried to get my blog done.

    1. Thank you very much... Yeah, sometimes it's overwhelming myself. Sometimes I got stuck, but I keep continue and finally I got approved by Google AdSense

  9. I used Google Adsense for a while and I went to another company. I have recently added them again, so I will see how it goes. Good luck to you!

    1. Thank you... Same goes for you, good luck in Adsense... Unfortunately for me, Blogger from Indonesia, Adsense is the best ad networks than any other company. Because of that, I really want to get approved so bad back then... :)

  10. Congratulations on this amazing milestone. I wish the best and hope Adsense works great for you.

    1. Thank you very much... Yeah, I really want to increase my earning and improve my blog's quality... :)

  11. Congrats! This must feel so good, I am happy for you. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Thank you very much... Yeah, It was a long journey to get approved by Google Adsense... :)

  12. Congratulation! Adsense can be a good source of additional income.

    1. Thank you... Yeah, I'm trying as best as I can to improve my Adsense Income from now on... I hope that I can get my first paycheck this year too... :)

  13. I have had Adsense for over a year now. However I'm American and I think in general, it's easier for us to get approved. I could be wrong though. Either way, congrats! That's exciting!

    1. Yeah, but I heard that In few countries (including my country, Indonesia), It's hard to get approved by Google Adsense. So, It's really fantastic that I got the approval after six months of waiting for Google Adsense.

  14. Congrats. I'm sure you feel very accomplished. I hope you'll have a great blogging future!

    1. Thank you... Of course I am, Getting approval by Google Adsense is one of big goals that I want to achieve this year... :)

  15. congrats, I know how you feel it was a recent accomplishment for me too but its just the beginning. So much blogging and learning to do! Good luck for the future

    1. Thanks. Yeah, It is just the beginning for me. If I want to improve my earning, I have to work harder than before and improve my blogging and writing skill... :)

  16. Congrats on the success. Hard work truly pays off!

    1. Thank you... Yeah, It is... Hard work never betrays, haha...

  17. Congrats One more thing you can check off the list. I Hope you have success with Google ads

    1. Thank you... Amen... I hope I can increase my earning in the future. :)

  18. That's awesome. I hope you do well now that you are monetizing your blog.

  19. Thanks for sharing! I blog also, but I had no idea it's such a process to get accepted for AdSense.

    1. You are welcome... Well, If you live in a developing country, It is really tiresome to get approved by Google Adsense. It's getting stricter these days.

  20. Congratulations I remember when I also applied for it, took a while but finally got it too

  21. Congrats, I am happy for you! That is a great news and I hope more success for you in the future. Yes, this is just the beginning.

    1. Thank you very much... It is, and I will not be going to give up again...

  22. Yay! Congrats On this great success.Nowadays adsense approval are getting more trickier. You should celebrate this.

    1. Thank you. Yeah, It's getting harder and stricter than before... Because of that, of course I am so grateful that I got approved by Google Adsense... :)

  23. Congrats on getting approved for Google Adsense. It's not an easy process and the wait can be stressful.

    - Dana Peller

    1. Thanks. Yeah, It was so stressful. I did give up back then for 1 week, but I found my way back again... :)

  24. Congratulations on this! I haven't ever tried to apply but I feel like I might give it a go!

  25. Congrats! That is so exciting! I am trying for my 4th time right now. -Ally

