I Finally Made It To Make More Than 100 Posts/Articles on My Blog (E) ~ Dee Nutrition

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I Finally Made It To Make More Than 100 Posts/Articles on My Blog (E)

I Finally Made It To Make More Than 100 Posts/Articles on My Blog

“Woohoo, it’s my 102nd post, I already make more than 100 blog posts”

It’s done, it’s finally done. I finally got what I want, I finally accomplished my mission to make more than 100 posts on my Blog. It’s another milestone for me as a Blogger. I already make more than 100 posts/articles on my blog and now this article is my 102nd post on my Blog. I’m really happy with this accomplishment that I got. Yeah…

What I feel right now is really amazing right now. A month ago, I thought that I can’t get this milestone. I thought that I can’t make 100 posts/articles in November. I thought that I will become lazy and stop writing on my blog, but I’m wrong. I don’t believe it that I can make it, it such an amazing milestone that I got here. I will never stop writing and Blogging because it can improve my writing skill and become a great writer in the future.

Sometimes I just so stubborn and persistent with what I already promised to myself. Well, everyone that knows me know that I’m so stubborn and will never give up on anything that I want.  It is because If I already want to do or get something, I will do everything as best as I can to fulfill or get it. I will not stop until I get everything that I wanted. I can’t give up because I’m already on my way to get something that I really want to get and so I finally got this accomplishment.

“I feel amazing that I can get this Milestone”

I will continue writing on my blog and get another milestone. My next milestone is getting 200 blog posts/articles in early 2018. I will continue to write regularly every day. I will keep writing and improve myself so I can become a great content writer in the future. I will train my writing skill and become better and better so I will become a great blogger. I hope that I can make this blog better and better in quality and quantity.

“I will keep making an English Blog Post and Improve my English Writing”

I will continue to improve my English grammar. I will continue to write an English-language post/article. I will not stop until I can learn and master the English Grammar so I can get better in the English Language. I will not be going to stop because It will improve myself in English. I will keep practicing my English writing so I can get a great band in IELTS test and I can get a fully funded scholarship for my master degree later.

Writing is Never an Easy Task

Writing is not easy, it’s never going to be easy. Especially if you’re so easy to get lazy like me. For me, it’s really easy to get lazy and procrastinate myself in the process. I tend to get lazy or procrastinate myself when I stuck on something. But I can’t do that, it will waste my important time. Believe me, there are just so many obstacle and challenge that I got when I want to write something. The biggest obstacle that I always get is coming from my laziness and procrastination. I don’t want to give up and will not stop writing. I already promised myself not to get lazy and I will fight my laziness and stop procrastinating myself.

"Keep Spirit and Keep Writing"

If you don’t have any spirit to get anything that you want then I suggest you stop and do something else. Because it’s never be going to be easy, it’s a hard road that you’re in if you want to get something in your life. It’s not an easy way to accomplish something. If you’re lazy and tend to procrastinate, you will never get what you want without a spirit and willpower. You need the spirit of never give up to get through every challenge and obstacle that in your way so that you can get what you want.

So that’s it. It’s really amazing to me that I can get this accomplishment. I will continue to write and blog, I will never stop until I become great at it and become a great writer and blogger. How about you ? are you also a blogger ? is there any goal or accomplishment that you want to get or in the process to get that? I hope you can get what you want, don’t give up and keep going until you get that.

Don’t forget to subscribe and like Dee Nutrition’s Blog. If you have any question, comment, critique or advice then feel free to send it to me from the comment box down below. See you next time, and thank you very much.

Author Of Dee Nutrition’s Blog

Destio D. Fahrizki


  1. Congrats on 102 posts!!!! I love that you've expressed your goals here- your English is pretty good so all the best in improving!

    1. Thank you very much for coming to my blog... I still have to improve my grammar skill so my writing will become better... Thanks for your comment. :D

  2. congrats on hitting this milestone! Keep writing! dont every stop!

    1. Well, I don't plan to stop... :D, I must keep going and getting better so I will get the next milestone. Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for the comment... :)

  3. Good for you! Keep up your good writing and move forward in your blogging time. Shoot for the stars

    1. Yes, I will do that. Thank you very much. I always want to make my own personal blog since I knew about blog in junior high school. I will not stop, because blogging helps me exercise my writing skill on daily basis... ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  4. Well done, i know how hard it can be producing post after post, my blog is 2 years old and I still only have 68 posts, so 100 posts seems like a magical number.Really motivating.

    1. Yes, I just keep writing everything that I want, because it's my personal blog. But there are a few things that I must do, especially in content quality and SEO optimization, and also my english grammar. So, I still have a long way to go and learn.

    2. Thanks for coming and comment ing on my blog. ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Congratulations. I just started blogging a month ago and have about 10 posts. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you very much. Well, I started to blog since September 2017. So It has been 3 months since I started Blogging.

  6. Congratulations, how long did it take you to get to this milestone?

    1. Thank you. Since mid-October, I started my 51st post at that time. I think it's much easier for me because I make post in my my mother language (indonesia) and sometimes in english. I want to make it becomes a full-english blog, but my grammar is still bad. So in the meantime, I'm still using Indonesian as my main blog post language

  7. Congratulations! This is definitely something to be proud of. 100+ posts is no easy feat! I look forward to reading many more :)

    1. Thank you very much. Yeah, If I have to be honest, it's not easy to get 100 posts especially when we tend to procrastinate and get lazy so easily to write something.

